Superchunk | I Hate Music [ALBUM REVIEW]

You love music. That’s why you’re reading the reviews section of this magazine.  It’s why you spend hours on YouTube navigating through live performances and full album uploads by your favorite artists, and why you put painstaking effort into creating iTunes playlists for a plane ride to tropical somewhere or your road trip through the Rockies. If you need some new road trip jams for your summer soundtrack, look no further than the latest offering by North Carolina indie rock vets Superchunk! Stand out songs like “Overflows”, “Me & You & Jackie Mittoo” and “FOH” are perfect for hitting the highway in your 1967 Pontiac Firebird 400 with the ragtop down, lit cigarette in hand and your best buds in the back seat! ANNND the music’s just as dope even if you don’t own that car! Crank them shits to 11, throw away your map and drive!! By the way the album is called I Hate Music but you don’t…so give it a listen.

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